Why Not?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I'm so boring

Aren't I? Well, I'm back in the game after Karen lambasted me for neglecting my audience. (Which, I believe, only consists of Karen.) So hi! I had a terribly exciting weekend. I went spelunking, which was scary and dirty and exciting and squeezy. I saw big puffy white cave growths the size of basketballs which take 1000 years to grow a cubic inch. I saw lots of cave pocorn and cave bacon, which made me hungry, and I army crawled through lovely wet columns and tight spots called The White Rabbit Hole, The Meatgrinder and The Striptease, which, true to its name, claimed one of my buttons. I'm going to have awesome pictures once the disposable camera is developed. Until then, you'll just have to use your imagination.


  • Hi!!! RSS feeds are fun :-p

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:21 AM  

  • I wanna go spelunking too! If you ever feel the need for a road trip, I suggest Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota. Steve and I happened to go there on a whim and it was awesome. The boxwork formations are especially cool. Lot's of buffalo above the caves too.

    By Blogger Ferg, at 1:37 PM  

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