Why Not?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Arrested Development rocks

It is by far the funniest show on TV. Everybody watch it!!

Gob: Well, gee, I didn't think the woman I'd be checking out at Spring Break would be Mom.
Buster: She's better looking than the whores you date!
Gob: Don't call my escorts whores!
Buster: Mom's still got it!
Gob: I don't date whores!
Lindsay: Stop it! Stop it! This objectification of women has to stop!
Michael: It's just mom and whores.

Enough said.


  • I LOVE this show! I just took the DVD in to work and I think we gained some new converts. Every line is quotable.

    GOB: "They're not tricks, they're illusions. Tricks are something a whore does for money."

    By Blogger Ferg, at 4:14 PM  

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