Why Not?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Movin' on up

Hello, my neglected blog readers. I bet you're tired of seeing that same scone staring at you every time you open the page. Well, no pictures in this installment, but there may be soon. Matt and I are putting our house on the market tomorrow and will be moving into our forever-house as soon as it sells. (Hopefully in the summertime.) No more sharing a wall with neighbors! No more vacuum sitting in the middle of the floor because there's no closet! We'll have a fireplace! A linen closet! A basement! A kitchen with more than two drawers! Paint on the walls! A tree in the backyard! It will be fan-freaking-tastic, and I can't wait.

Tomorrow we have to take pictures of the front and back yards, then we can officially go on the market. We were SUPPOSED to have that done already, and we spent a lot of time making the yards lovely with new flowers over the weekend, but yesterday the weather decided that the 70s are boring and that it wanted to SNOW. On my brand new flowers!! Poor little things didn't have a chance. I protected all the ones in planters in my garage, but I'm afraid the ones in the ground are goners. So tomorrow morning I'll take a picture of their frozen flower corpses and hopefully they'll still look colorful enough. When our house is on Realtor.com I'll share the link, and you all can look at it and lie and say you'd buy it in a second and we'll be sure to get an offer soon.


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