Practice makes... better, at least
I've been going to the Fado sessions fairly regularly now, once every or every other week. And I'm getting better! It's amazing! Last night, the first song I sat down for, I'd never heard it before and I played the whole thing! It was crazy. Usually I just move my fingers around the way I think they should go, trying to imitate what I hear, and it takes me a lot of false tries to find the right melody. But this time, I got it right on! Plus, one of the guys at the session gave me a big songbook of all the most commonly played reels. All I have to do is play through those a few times on my own, get a good feel for them, and I'll be made in the shade. There is nothing in the world like playing music in a group! And now that I can play more confidently, all the better. :)
Dearie, enlighten us. Fado?
Anonymous, at 5:51 PM
Fado Irish Pub, sometimes unkindly called the Disneyland of Irish pubs, but you can't beat the session.
CK, at 10:44 AM
Damn, I need to get my butt in gear if we're ever going to get this band together. How are the banjo prospects at Fado?
Ferg, at 7:45 PM
Band? If you need a crappy whistle player or a rhythm didge, I might be of service...
zLog, at 12:38 AM
Crappy whistle players are always welcome. Banjos, not so much. Sorry. We'll have to go to a bluegrass jam for that!
CK, at 3:34 PM
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