Why Not?

Monday, September 26, 2005

You'd think three would be enough...

But no. I was restringing my violin and I had three spare A's. More than enough, right? So I open the first one and.... it's used. ?? Apparently I put a used string back in there, though I don't know why. So I open the second one. It's broken. ???? How did that happen? Odd... So I open the third one. Pristine. I start stringing it up, and even as I tightend it, it felt weird. Then... KAPOW!!! Broken.


I had already mixed up the original A and the used one I found with the rest of the strings, so I couldn't even put those on as a spare. Now my violin has only three strings on it! It looks like some poor, neglected violin that someone keeps in their attic because they don't know what to do with it! :( And the music store was closed so I couldn't buy anymore. It was a sad weekend.


  • Dude, what is with the spam? You should keep that one because it is just way too bizarre. I'm sorry about your poor strings. I got my flute out a while ago and when I tried to play it I realized the pads were dried out and didn't make a tight seal over the holes. Instead of making music I just kinda hissed. !Que lastima!

    By Blogger Ferg, at 5:16 PM  

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