Why Not?

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Saints be praised!

All right, all right, I'm back. That's sweet, I didn't know that many people cared if I updated or not. So Merry Christmas everyone!

One of the most exciting things that happened to me recently is that I got my blue belt in karate. It's a huge turning point, a year and a half in the making, and it means all sorts of new, fun, challenging things to learn. It's also proved to be very stressful, though. All of a sudden I feel quite inadequate, since the expectations upon me have jumped but I'm still the same person I was just a couple of weeks ago when I tested. I know that's the way it goes, that's how I improve, by raising the expectations and working harder to meet them. But at the same time, it's disappointing to try hard and still be bad at something, by the very nature of working to become good. But that's life, isn't it? That's how character is built. So I should just swallow my pride and work as hard as I can to get good. But it's still humbling.

In the same vein, yet another Irish pub in Denver has an open session, but I STILL haven't gotten off my curvy butt to learn a good set of songs. I know... *counting* ...maybe 5 songs I can contribute, and since half of them are Scottish, they probably won't even show up in the session. So I have a list of tunes to learn, but I just never get around to taking the time to learn them. Even after two Fiddle Camps and multiple self-promises to do it.

Moral of the story? Common thread? Work. Struggle. Discipline. No easy way out, except through real effort. And I'm a lazy slug, so there you go. I need to shut up and do the work required to be a karate master and a swingin' fiddler, because the rewards are worth it.

There. Would you still have hassled me for an update if you knew it was going to be self-indulgent ramblings on my failings as a human? All right, I'll give you something fun.



  • Ack!!!! I'm a hairy monkey!

    Seriously though, my best advice to you is this: stop watching TV. It's amazing the free time you'll have.

    By Blogger Ferg, at 3:14 PM  

  • I actually don't really watch TV anymore... just the Arrested Developments and Twilight Zones that get taped. I do spend an inordinate amount of time reading cooking magazines, though. Perhaps I ought to cut it down to three.

    By Blogger CK, at 3:25 PM  

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