I found my camera cable, so here are some pictures of life from the past month. (By the way, the Woman of the Incredibly Teased Hair didn't turn out well on my cell, so you'll just have to imagine the highest hair you've ever seen and triple it.)

Here's Matt's dad cutting down our Christmas tree in the woods. It was small, but it had character. And little pine cones. 
Christmas and Elway, together at last. 
Here's a dresser I got secondhand, which I jazzed up with fancy paper, drawer pulls, and a cat. 
Here I am right after my blue belt test, still drunk off the blood of my enemies. 
And here's a bruise I got in class that I'm particularly proud of. It transformed from a greenish blue into the lovely mauve you see now.

That is so hot. I do love a good bruise.
Ferg, at 1:01 AM
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