Thursday, July 28, 2005
Business as usual
Here at work, we had to install an instant-messaging thingy that lets you broadcast questions company-wide, theoretically so we can take advantage of the wide array of expertise in IBM. So far I've received such illuminating broadcasts as:
Is it raining?
Are you happy?
How do I set a laser printer to stun?
It's refreshing to know that even the best and brightest in the technology field still revert to childhood when given a new toy. Wait, what do I mean "even?" Especially!
Any thoughts on funny questions I can submit back?
Is it raining?
Are you happy?
How do I set a laser printer to stun?
It's refreshing to know that even the best and brightest in the technology field still revert to childhood when given a new toy. Wait, what do I mean "even?" Especially!
Any thoughts on funny questions I can submit back?
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Things To Be Grouchy About
I'm in a very bad mood, as evidenced by my post below. So I'm going to list all the things I'm grouchy about at this moment. Maybe it will help. Or maybe it will just make you grouchy. Feel free to add your own items; share the irritability.
1. At least two more years until the next Harry Potter
2. I hate hand-washing my nice pots and pans and knives
3. I suck at playing songs by ear and Fiddle Camp is coming up in two weeks
4. All my shoes are ugly
5. My cat's not very nice to me
6. Work is boring
7. My house is small and a duplex to boot
8. I have braces
9. My hair looks like golden retriever butt fur
10. My ZOSO record is warped and useless
More coming as I think of them.
(Edit: I'm not in a bad mood anymore, but there's still plenty to be irritable about.)
11. I have no upper body strength
12. No one carries bangers around here
13. I have too many pennies
14. My new blue pen leaks
15. I have a spider bite on my belly
16. Wasps are eating my raspberry bushes
17. My nose is crooked
18. Family Guy's lost its edge
19. Someone in my office is eating something stinky
20. Customers SUCK!!!!
1. At least two more years until the next Harry Potter
2. I hate hand-washing my nice pots and pans and knives
3. I suck at playing songs by ear and Fiddle Camp is coming up in two weeks
4. All my shoes are ugly
5. My cat's not very nice to me
6. Work is boring
7. My house is small and a duplex to boot
8. I have braces
9. My hair looks like golden retriever butt fur
10. My ZOSO record is warped and useless
More coming as I think of them.
(Edit: I'm not in a bad mood anymore, but there's still plenty to be irritable about.)
11. I have no upper body strength
12. No one carries bangers around here
13. I have too many pennies
14. My new blue pen leaks
15. I have a spider bite on my belly
16. Wasps are eating my raspberry bushes
17. My nose is crooked
18. Family Guy's lost its edge
19. Someone in my office is eating something stinky
20. Customers SUCK!!!!
I don't wanna! *pout*
I'm so not spirited or energetic right now.... I'm going to bail on karate tonight unless I get one comment telling me to go. You have 10 minutes before I go home and curl up on the couch. Ready.... go!
Edit: Too late! I'm going home. This means I'll have to go to two classes on Thursday. :p
Edit: Too late! I'm going home. This means I'll have to go to two classes on Thursday. :p
Monday, July 25, 2005
Happy Birthday To Me!

I had a lovely 25th birthday on Sunday! It started off at the stroke of midnight while I was attending a Pimps n' Hos party. I was granted the title of Head Ho and given a congratulatory cheesecake. I'd enclose a picture, but I didn't have my camera, and it's probably all for the best. Let's just say it wasn't the kind of outfit you go grocery shopping in.
Then I had my birthday dinner at my mom's house, who made me spaghetti carbonara.

Mmmmmm, cholesteroly... I baked my traditional applesauce cake with orange icing, because it wouldn't be a birthday without it. After dinner, I opened my presents which included cashish, two very cute outfits, a tea kettle,

and a record player. The record player was a flashback hit for everyone. We sampled CCR and Tommy while I marveled at the needle, the tracks, the pitch adjustor, and the hypnotic rotation.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I'm so boring
Aren't I? Well, I'm back in the game after Karen lambasted me for neglecting my audience. (Which, I believe, only consists of Karen.) So hi! I had a terribly exciting weekend. I went spelunking, which was scary and dirty and exciting and squeezy. I saw big puffy white cave growths the size of basketballs which take 1000 years to grow a cubic inch. I saw lots of cave pocorn and cave bacon, which made me hungry, and I army crawled through lovely wet columns and tight spots called The White Rabbit Hole, The Meatgrinder and The Striptease, which, true to its name, claimed one of my buttons. I'm going to have awesome pictures once the disposable camera is developed. Until then, you'll just have to use your imagination.